13 January 2011

Weird News

It's official evidently we can't have nice things because North American children are too stupid to be trusted not to swallow everything in front of them. Kinder eggs seized by customs. The woman was told she could have been fined $300. I used to bring these things back from Germany when I'd come home on leave. (50 per trip.) Where else am I going to get a cool toy, awesome chocolate and a conversation piece all in one?

And the first recipients of the Geek Streak Schadenfreude Award are the record labels. I think I'll actually have to photoshop a picture of Nelson Muntz to look like a trophy. I have a feeling we'll be handing out a lot of these.

Court rules bosses can order women to wear bras in Germany. In other news it used to be okay for women to go to work without a bra on.

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