07 January 2011

Not so serious PSA's

If someone asks you to fight a giant bug, just say No thanks.
This is a quote from an Animaniacs PSA making fun of the Power Ranger PSA's. I can't show you a clip because the other Warner's' wont allow it. This is also what held up this post from being posted.

Knowing maybe half the battle, but why did it always seem like violence was the other half. One of the webs grandmasters.

Seriously were they just trying to make the Xbox harder on those of us who grew up with a SNES?

Kids, Don't be a hater. We're trying to help.

Kids, seriously don't catch them all.

Kids don't underestimate your villian. Especially if he's Lawful Evil.

UPDATE: This post edited to make room for the real PSA that took presidence.

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