24 January 2011

Alchemedia : The Authority (quicky)

Hello, Alchemilla here. I just got home from a long long weekend trip, so this one isn't going to be long, but I'd like to take this moment to direct you to a comic that I marathon'd during the car ride home.

The Authority is published by DC and started life in 1999 under the Wildstorm imprint. The creators previously worked on another book, Stormwatch, and some of the characters from that book have come back as a part of this one.

The story follows a newly created super hero team who decide that working for one government, or even the UN is a mistake, and make themselves into the ultimate authority of the planet. Unlike a lot of superheros, they make the point not to just fight the superbad de jour, but also take it upon themselves to solve some of the more human-created problems, such as dictators and terrorists and social injustice.

The books (or at least the first 4 trades) follow their accent into global heroes, and then examines the lifestyle changes and the hubris that they suffer when they become impossible to oppose, and then their downfall when someone who is powerful enough to oppose them appears.

The artwork is fantastic, and the writing is clear and easy to follow.

The story, though, is where you'll be blown away. The script is clever, and there were lots of points that I laughed out loud. It's also very violent, but not in a boring for-it's-own-sake kind of way. The characters are likeable and unpredictable.

All in all, I highly suggest you pick up a trade of this comic. And, thanks again, Kspaz!


  1. Glad you enjoyed them. That has to be the quickest least spoiler-y review of the Authority I've ever read.

  2. Spoilers on this comic would ruin it, don't you think?

  3. I agree but it didn't stop several reviewers from spoiling some of the larger surprises when these were new.
