27 February 2011

Sunday Rant

So I would feel bad if I failed to comment about the recent protest that have happened in Africa and Asia recently. But it's hard to since everything is up in the air.

What do we know? Several countries are experiencing protests. Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Yemen, Jordan Bahrain, Oman and Iran (along with minor protests in Saudi Arabia and Morocco) have happened or are happening. North Korea is even experiencing protests (although they are unrelated and mostly due to famine). Southern Sudan has broken away to form a new country. Aside from the vague statements much is hard to say.
In good news the president of Egypt was ousted with little bloodshed. In bad news Libya's protesters where fired upon.

So what caused this? Because really even last month protests in these countries would have seemed unlikely or isolated at best.Well it seems the protests stemmed from the realization that America was not as close of allies with the regions leaders as the populace thought. This was realized partially thanks to the Wikileaks scandal. 

So why did we hold these secrets for so long? Well in part, because change is scary. Who knows what will come from any or all of these protests. Unfortunately it seems America's intelligence community works on a system of "better the devil you know then the devil you don't". 

I hope that this all results in a better life for all, but all too often in times of unrest the bastards grab hold of power. America was born of protest and strife and it too could have ended badly many times over. I wish the best for those who would stand up to tyranny. History has taught us that it is never easy to flush out, but the rewards can be bountiful. 

Good luck.

Update: Article edited for better grammer.

1 comment:

  1. I still can't believe they opened fire on peaceful protesters in Libya. How do you do that, as a human being? How can look an unarmed person in the face - regardless of what they're protesting - and deliberately try to end their life? And these people were their neighbors - possibly even their friends and family! I don't understand - I mean, how do you DO that?

    Thank god the Egyptian army stood down when they were ordered to do the same thing. We don't need anymore blood spilled on this planet.
