29 December 2010

Fun videos and an important message

I wanted to give you guys some fun stuff to look at today. There's this guy on YouTube, JamesAtWar, and he's pretty awesome. Seems like a cool, geeky dude. Check out his YouTube channel here. It's full of hilarious parody songs and some of his own originals. There's also some parody songs that have a bit more depth and meaning, so it's not all fun and games. But seriously people, check these out:

Harry Potter - Parody of Train's Hey Soul Sister

A Dexter Omage: I Just Haven't Killed You Yet - Parody of Michael Buble's I Just Haven't Met You Yet

And finally, a song about fame and how it can become a plague on our society. It's cool to admire someone because you like their work or they do good things for others or they're just genuine or genuinely nice. But it's not okay to obsess about someone to the point of losing yourself. Being an individual is what makes you interesting - so be unique, just be uniquely you.

Celebrity - Parody of Owl City's Fireflies

Happy viewing!

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