09 November 2010


Looks like this is going to be a grab bag as well, none of the links really have much in common. But in historical news today is the anniversary of the falling of the Berlin Wall and yesterday was the anniversary of the discovery of X-rays (happened in Wurzburg, Germany).

Conan OBrien's show starts today. And evidently he wants everything to be perfect.

A photo from the upcoming muppet movie.

Did you ever get to go to Six Flags New Orleans? No?This may be your last chance to see it. It was deserted after Katrina and has never been reopened.

Almost 100,000 toothpicks is a weird way to make art.

1 comment:

  1. Abandoned theme parks scare the hell out of me. That video was fuel for my nightmares for the next 6 months.
