09 July 2011

Tribe update

It's been a little while since I talked about the ongoing adventures of the Tribe Server. We now have most of the bugs worked out, we seem to have found a bunch of new people since the Uber update, and we now have a somewhat active community. In fact right after the update or server was fully loaded for a good chunk of a week. It's drop off some, but we hope to get back up to there soon.

You say that's great but I don't play TF2. Well we also have Tribe members who will team up with you in Spiral Knights, Left for Dead 1, and 2, Portal 2 co-op (if your still working on that.), Monday Night Combat, etcetera, etcetera.

Also we have our own website now, you can join Tribe there, or through our Steam Group. Eventually people who donate money to keep the server running will get special perks in TF2. Such as not getting auto-corrected in game, and being able to pick their team. We won't be doing anything that unbalances the game, if you want to donate money to build multiple turrets you can go elsewhere. There are already plently of servers that allow that.

We may also be giving out hats that only work on the Tribe server or have giveaways in the group. Keep your eyes peeled. But if you want some people to PC game with. Look us up we have a lot of people who are friendly and good at the games.

See you around.


  1. It's too bad that Team Fortress 2 isn't available for the Sega Genesis.
