02 July 2011

The Knights of the Limelight

I often wonder how bad a situation would have to be for a country to start using the draft again. No, the country is not America, and I don't wonder due to political reasons anymore. Mostly I wonder what happens on the day Britain decides to call all of her celebrity knights into service to fight for Queen and country.
The Queen was this close to becoming an immortal and
didn't even know it.

Here is the complete list. But scary how many of the X-men are on the list. It would seem Britain is years ahead of us on Mutant Rights it would seem since Professor X, Magneto, and Nightcrawler have all been knighted.

On the list of Knights I don't want to ever have to fight we have 3 different incarnations of James Bond (Sean Connery, Roger Moore, and Pierce Brosnan) are on the list, as is Alfred from the latest incarnation of Batman and Hannibal Lecter. 

In music Elton Jon, Bono, McJagger, and Paul McCartney have all been knighted meaning that this new army will have a theme song that will be high in the billboard charts.

Julie Andrew is on the list (Mary Poppins for those who don't know), Christopher Lee is there (Sauraman, Death, Count Dooku, the Jabberwalky). Peter Faulk is on there, (But since they have Death under the Queens' power Colombo will be back to help out.) 

And while doing research for this I found out you don't even have to be a resident of the U.K. to be knighted.
Bill Gates, Norman Swartzkoph, Charlton Heston, Colin Powell, Alan Greenspan, Steven Spielberg Mohammed Ali, George Bush (41 not W), and  Ronald Reagan have all been knighted.

And what's more is that every time I look at the list I'm seeing more celebrities that I know of. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to write a script that's going to make me richer then the Queen...if I can only figure out how to get all of these celebrity knights to sign on for it.


  1. McJagger?! Was that intentional?

    By the way, the title of this post sounds like an SCA group that banded together through their shared love for the band Rush -- not that that's a bad thing.

  2. Ummm...yeah totally intentional. *Cough*
